020 8648 4814 [email protected]

The right contact lens for you?

We supply Acuvue Oasys, Dailies Aqua comfort, Acuvue TruEye, Acuvue Moist, Air Optix Aqua as well as our own Options Comfort Plus and Options Premier lenses.

Eyes are delicate and easily damaged.
Always have your eyes properly examined by a qualified optometrist.

At Eye Options, we advise on the most suitable lenses for your eyes and provide regular checks to ensure that your eyes remain healthy.


Contact Lenses

An estimated 3.5 million people in the UK and Ireland wear contact lenses, this number has been increasing dramatically over the last two decades. In part, this is due to the evolving technology that has made them more comfortable and easier to use.

There are many different types of contacts available, and it can be daunting to choose the right type. Eye Options will guide you in this decision by taking into consideration your requirements such as usage, comfort, lifestyle, prescription needs and convenience.

We recommend that all contact lens wearers have an annual check up to ensure that their eyes are healthy and normal and to discuss any changes to lens availability with the fast moving advances in technology.



No frames to obstruct and reduce the field of view. See the world how its meant to be.


Contact lenses can be used whilst taking part in most physical activities. Contact lenses will not steam up and need cleaning unlike frames and lenses.


Using contact lenses means that you never have to match your outfit to your frames.  Sunglasses can become a new option in your accessories.


Sometimes a certain job cannot be done with a pair of frames on. You may need great vision whilst your glasses are off.


If you are on a high prescription the contact lenses may give you the freedom you have always wanted. 

Eye Options Contact Lenses

Latest equipment

We have the latest technology to accurately identify the prescription and measurement of the shape of the front of the eye (cornea).

High precision optical equipment

This allows a highly magnified detailed image of the eye which Eye Options assesses to ensure that the eye is suitable for contact lens wear.

Perfect fit

A special fluorescein dye is viewed using ultra-violet light enabling the optometrist to spot the slightest flaw in the fit of the lenses.

Shape is key

With soft contact lenses, the shape is all important
and we are equipped with state of the art technology which ensures all parameters are correct and edges perfectly.

What you need to know?

Contact lens orders must be accompanied by an up-to-date prescription for contact lenses (less than one year old) and an assurance that you have received after-care from a qualified optometrist during the last year. This is to protect your eyes!

If you do not have a recent prescription then we will be happy to help. Simply get in contact with us today or book an appointment.

We recommend that all contact lens wearers have an annual check up to ensure that their eyes are healthy and normal and to discuss any changes to lens availability with the fast moving advances in technology.

Contact Eye Options

We aim to respond to you as quickly as we can.
Alternatively please phone us on 020 86484814

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